well well..
the first week of school has finally ended after letting time crawl by for such a long time. izzit juz me of izzit true that these few months has been literally moving pass at tortoise pace? sheesh. i guess it's more of the former.
the week has been pretty boring and unexciting that's for sure. i'm desperate for something, anything to help spice up my life. but i guess it's not mine to have. so yeah. live with it. boring life or not ):
summary time.
for the whole week i haven been able to concentrate and focuz on any work that i try to do. gave up for the rest of it. i guess i guess.. it's not physically drained. it's juz mentally drained.
23mar, friday.
had physio. disappointing time for me. i was suppose to run a 10k. but i couldn't push myself on. wheezing when it was 4.8. stopped at 5. it really iz a disppointment. huge one. especially when after running i knew if i had the chance i could complete that 10k. did agility, was okay. continued with continuous 6laps lunges and side squats as punishment for myself. went back to school to help out with the wrapping. den crashed temasek idol with the help of jon (:
okay temasek idol. it was hmmm.. okay la. satisfactory? well at least arthi with the oh-so-powerful voice won. yay. and quaver clinched the champs for group. at least compared to kita they were better la. but other than that i think that was it. lolx. a senior came back to perform think her name was tiffany from 23/05. cant rem. but oh my gosh. i wish i had vocals like her la. her voice was controlled, powerful and speechlessly seductive x) she alone would have won temasek idol hands down. oh well!!
what more can i say? emo in mid-day? whatever. life still goes on. today's saturday. and juz leave me alone. happily live in self destruction iz the best way to throw it all away.
*throbs @14:26 <3
There .
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